Long time ago, I met a man who is the exact type of mine. 
We have many things in common, including the attitude of love.
As long as we knew each other deeply, I found that I was attracted by his charm. 

We didn't hang out often, so once he asked me out, I will very flattered.
He is a busy guy, sometimes forgot our appiontments because of his work.
I usually ignored the depressed feelings and rejected every invitaion. 
However, I didn't. I still retained patient, and waited for another chance.  
For a period of time, I poised the balanced feelings but I fell. 

I couldn't wait for such a busy man who would never noticed me. 
Additionally, I could tolrate myself pretending I'm someone else whom he might like.
For these reasons, I realized that I cannot be the prefect woman, I'm not. 
He is so wonderful that I almost adored he as an idol whom knows about evevy thing.
Thus, I found that I wasn't suitable for him at all. 

For a long time, I locked those feelings deep in my heart.
Util, I decided to quit my job and study abroad, I thought I still like him, perhaps.
Maybe I should wait for a period of time and focused on my exam. 
Then, after a copule months later, I couldn't accept this kind of situation anyway. 
He definitely doesn't like me at all, I told to myself. 
Otherwise, I won't wait for such a long time to prove his feelings. 

At the meanwhile, I went to Kenting with my friends for a break.
I met many new guys, they are very inteseting and funny 
Those friendly people whom I had never met before. 
It was a fresh experience, all things were new to me. 
At that time, I thought I can live without a man and a relationship. 
So, I went back to Taipei bravely to face my Ielts exam. ( XD sounds silly )

No matter how I rejected to fall in love, I couldn't help but fell in love again !! 
And this gus was out of my imagination !! totally !! 

When we were aware of the weird emotions between us. 
We had a long discussion about such a strange relationship. 
A short trip, was not enough to know a person and we didn't 
know each other for a long time. 
Maybe it was kind of illusion, we will wake up someday, I thought. 
However, he confessed me that wasn't pink elephants. 
And then, he asked me to be her girl.  @"@  I was confused.
Because, he already knew I'm going overseas few weeks later.
Why he still insisted that it was the exact time of us to be together.
↑ I think it is a mystery of this century. 

With being together with XIII, I think I'm pretty enjoyablely. 
He let me being myself without any doubt. 
Always he spoils me, and allows me doing anything I want.
The most impressed, touched thing he is going to do is quit smoking. 
Quit smoking is not only for my asking, but also for his own good.
Now, I can be 100% the self in front of he without fears. 
It's the first I admit someone is my boyfriend on my blog. 
I truely wish I can face all fears breavely with him hand in hand. 

Every thing I wished is coming true.
I will be work harder to realize all my wants.
And sustain our relationship till I come back.


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