好久沒有拿起我的小滴, 看著帛琉的照片
海水清澈, 陽光燦爛, 雲絮灑落天際一片暴力的藍
我荒廢了什麼 ? 心情像脫韁的野馬 ? 生活呢 ?

I just opened the case of Pandora and released all the feelings which I can't control. 

I don't know why I done these things and how to stop.
Maybe in the deep of my heart, I wanna be free.
Friends of mine couldn't recognize me that the way and the role I played in night club.
But, it's me, the true, frank and honest one 

The reason I broken my own rules is for fun. 
Actually, I don't neet to explain anything just for fun. 
I was not testing myself, testing the deadline of my rules or trying to upset someone.
All these things I done at that night is my choice, one option of my crazy thoughts. 

Don't try to analyze me. 
The character of me is dangerous and cruel. 
I have no ideas about myself that I try to represent now. 
Thus, leave me alone.

I can't imagine any situation that will happen to me. 
The least and last rule of my, may be broken at any moment.
If I cry suddenly, it means something occur on me.
And not be afraid my friends, I just want to release my bad moods.

As time pass through, I will get better. 
After this I'm going abroad and then return back to Taipei. 
At that time I will become totally different from now. 

So shall we wish me have a wonderful year in Scotland.


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