有一種遊戲我玩不起, 它叫做【愛情】
最近跟很多人聊天, 話題繞不開這兩個煩人的字
了解我的朋友們, 我最近陷入一個很大很大的危機

唉呀唉呀 !!! 看到我深陷泥沼的時候, 記得要拉我一把喔 !! 
是不是越玩不起的遊戲, 越是想去碰觸, 明知道會遍體鱗傷
然後又躲在角落自己舔傷口, 增添悲劇主角的搶眼戲份

好累壓 !! 頭很大卻處理不了過大的繁複方程式
卻沒有好好的被利用, 似乎那 26個英文字母就裝滿了整個腦袋的空間

是我讓自己變得這麼複雜 !!  飛蛾撲火
單身真的很容易嗎 ? 某個程度上, 單身很輕鬆自在
另一個程度上, 單身還要應付的事情還頗多的 !! 
我還沒練就拒絕人的本領, 以前都拿:抱歉 !! 我有男友了 !! 
現在哩 ~~~ 又想交朋友, 又怕把關係處理的不好
何必哩 !!

完了 !! 玩了一個不該玩的遊戲, 還是我起的事端  XD
真是蠢到家了, 幹嘛庸人自擾呢 !!  馬上恢復清醒

我跟冠說, 應該來開一個賭盤, 來賭賭看:
戴小婕出國前, 會不會再談戀愛  XD 

BUT ........ I afraid not, my dears. 

The weakness of me is Love. 
Four little magic letters make me anxious, drive me crazy, let me cry 
and even sentence me to the death. 
Although I'm not crazy about loving someone and I can live without love.
In the meanwhile, I just can't afford to love, adapt love and deal with love.

The most important thing is I don't know what these four letters' meaning.
Is that means to afford everythings you can give including your heart ?
Is that means to accompany with someone with your true heart ?
Is that means to have wonderful life with someone untill your death ?

I don't know. 
I can't describe the feelings about falling in love in my own language even in English. 
Communicating is most difficult ability in one's life. 
Every daily life we have to talk with others and express our thoughts.
There is no another way to press yourself to express yuor ideas in exact words,
but only put feelings throgh your vocabulary and tones. 

Every day I want to have some dreams come true. 
But I know that the only way to realize my dreams is to complete myself by
going abroad and expanding my vision of worldwide mind.

I'm in totally a mess. 
Therefore, I should be cheer up before the next examination. 
Then get a higher score in order to prove my hard working.


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