Julian is a 27-year old man who I met about 2 years ago while
I was interviewing him as a project editor in my company.
It was a suuny day, so hot that even the road was going to melt.

The street was crowded with people and cars. 
Everybody was eager to go into shops and enjoy the air-condition.
I was sitting on my seat in my office and at the same time my phone was ringing.
Our assistant told me that there was a man waiting for me to have an interview.

After about 20 miuntes meeting with this gentleman, I found that 
he is exactully the person I want to hire. He is quite tall, good looking 
futhermore he is well experienced in this working field.
However he didn't become my co-worker because of we couldn't afford his salary. 

A few days after the interview, I recieved an MSN application sent from a total 
stranger's address. While I was wondering who it could be, and I responded the 
anonymous sender, I realized that it was Julian who I had interviewed. 
We became friends, and he taught me lots of photography skills. 
He is such an interesting person and very outgoing.

The reason I decieded to quit my job and further my academic studies
was because of him. One day he invited me to see a movie, after that 
we had dinner in a coffee shop. At that time, he told me about the 
importance of carrying on my perfessional know-how by studying 
abroad. It was a common converstation, but I just influenced by his thoughts.

Then, after deeply considering by myself, I finally chose to complete 
my dream ... 

study abroad and major in Marketing to carry on my life plan.

>> 同樣是 English practicing ,Miller 同學就強很多 <<


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